David Klenert, Bachelor of Vinculture & Oenology, is the person representing the company.
During his studies, he got familiar with various wine-growing regions in Germany and also travelled of New Zealand and Switzerland to get ideas and be inspired. In this period, he developed in viticulture and refined his own style of wine-growing that is expressed in each of his wines today.
We do not have a long history or tradition for our own, but we are dedicated to make history with our wines.
Producing wine means working closely with and showing respect for nature to be create wines in a sustainable manner.
We deal with old and traditional types of grapes and give them a face-lift. Our wines represent the love and passion for producing high-quality wines from Kraichgau. They stand for simplicity, down-to-earth character, crispness, and individualism. In short – Passion for wine!